Saturday, February 16, 2008

Pay it Forward

Here's a chance to get a surprise from me, on a surprise date, in the next 365 days. (I'm responding to this prompt from Steph's Cup of Tea)
Here are the rules:

1 - Leave a comment on my blog that says you want to play. First three folks to comment will get a gift! (If I don't know it already, let me know how I can contact you.)
2 - Do the same thing on your blog!
3- If you don't have a blog you can still participate, just leave me a comment saying you want to play.
The first three folks who leave a comment will get a surprise from me at a surprise time in the next 365 days!


  1. I'm game to play! I'm almost even willing to show the link to my blog for others...then again...

    Lisa :)

  2. Is it too late to be commenter #2 and play? I just discovered your blog earlier today, and I have very much enjoyed what I've seen so far. Thanks!
