Saturday, February 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad!

Today is my Dad's birthday. I won't say his age but he is still a young guy. This year for his birthday he was blessed with grandchild number 5! And what a precious gift she is. This is not his only blessing, however; he has many.

He has been married to my mother for almost 43 years. Together they have raised three lovely daughters, who brought into our family three awesome son-in-laws and five beautiful grandchildren. He has much to be thankful for as do we.

I am especially grateful for his good health. My father is a cancer survivor and is a stronger person than I could ever be. He has always been there for us even when life was difficult for him.

It’s not surprising that my dad survived cancer; I have always known that he can do anything. You name it; my dad can fix it, build it or create it. When I was growing up, living in Wisconsin, my dad had a side job of fixing pinball machines, jukeboxes, and just about any type of equipment that you’d find at your corner bar. He’d take me with him sometimes when he’d go on his repair jobs. I always remember sitting up at the bar having what we called a “kiddy cocktail” which was essentially grenadine, sprite and a cherry. Our basement was filled with pinball machines, bowling machines, and jukeboxes. Even to this day there’s a vintage Seeburg jukebox in my parents home. It’s my kids’ favorite thing play each time we visit. My dad has remodeled homes, tiled floors, fixed major appliances, and hand-crafted many things from wood. He is amazing and I’m so proud of all of his accomplishments!

Dad, thank you for teaching me the value of hard work, good judgment and courage. Thank you for listening and caring, for giving, sharing and for always setting a good example. I hope you know how much you’re loved and appreciated. May the years to come be filled many blessings. I love you!


  1. Wow!!! I didn't expect to cry so early in the morning...Kim that was beautiful!!! And Dad (mom too), I don't know you but you did an awesome job raising and incredible woman! Thanks =) Happy Birthday!!


  2. Happy Birthday to Kim's Dad!!!!!

  3. Kim what a beautiful tribute to Dad, he was very touched and so was I. It makes us proud to know we have raised three beautiful daughters and yes all the beautiful blessings that came along with that, son-in-laws and grand children. We are very thankful for you! Love you! Mom

  4. How did you do that, literally swept the words right out of my mouth, only I don't think I could have said it quite as well. You paint the picture of childhood so clearly...It's exactly how I remember it too! Dad and Mom, you are amazing...just look at what you created! KIM! You are just like Dad, only using a different mode to make your many creations. You are all truly gifted and I am truly blessed! I love you!!
