Saturday, February 16, 2008

Valentine Treats

This year for Valentine's Day I made my usual heart cutout cookies and homemade turtles. I also added these chocolate eclair hearts. They are very time consuming but totally worth it. The hearts are made with a cocoa pate a choux which is a cream puff or eclair dough. I traced a heart-shaped cookie cutter on parchment paper that was placed on a cookie sheet. Then I filled a pastry bag with the pate a choux and piped it onto the parchment paper hearts. After the hearts are baked they are then cut in half and dried further in the hot, but turned off oven. The filling is a bittersweet-chocolate whipped cream, and last but not least they are topped with a chocolate ganache. Yum!

This plate of goodies was shared with a good friend, and accompanied by a China Pai Mu Tan white tea. Chocolate, tea, and good company -- what a delightful combination!

1 comment:

  1. Delightful is the exact word! Thank you! and the china looks very pretty!
