Thursday, February 14, 2008

Baby Madelyn


  1. K,
    I am surprised you haven't hopped on a plane to meet this sweet angel...she is almost to sweet to resist!!!


  2. Oh, that's really cool! Love the photo show!

  3. Thanks for paying such a sweet tribute to our baby girl. We can hardly wait for you to come meet her in person. There's nothing better than holding her in your arms and kissing her soft cheeks. Can't wait for you to hold her!

    Love you!

  4. Kim, you did a beautiful job, you are difinitely on proud Auntie! We know you will fall in love with her the minute you see her.
    Love, Mom

  5. Kim-
    You did a beautiful job and definitely are one proud Auntie! We know you will fall in love with her the minute you see her!
    Love, Mom
