Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Crayon Rolls

My sister extended my niece's Disney birthday celebration by throwing a Rapunzel birthday party. She asked if I would make these crayon rolls for party favors. I had made both my nieces and nephew a larger version (one that holds 14 crayons) for Christmas, and in my rush to package everything and send it off in time I didn't take any photos. So being able make these for my niece's birthday party gave me an opportunity to take some pictures.

 My sister sent me a picture of the size she wanted, and I was lucky enough to find some Rapunzel fabric -- although you can't tell from these pictures because I forgot to photograph the outside fabric. You can kind of get the idea from picture below. There is a small glimpse of Rapunzel brushing her hair.
These are super easy to sew and make a very practical gift. Easy to throw in  a purse for a outing, or keep in a desk at school.

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