Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Christmas Photo Shoot

I decided to have the boys pictures taken for Christmas cards this year. We had an awesome photographer, KatieK who gave us so many great photos to choose from. It was really difficult deciding which to put on the Christmas cards, so much so that this was the first year in about 15 that I didn't make my own cards!! I ended up ordering our cards just so that I could fit more than one picture on them. I was a little disappointed not hand make the cards, but I do have to say that it was liberating to have one less thing to accomplish before Christmas.

These are just a small sampling of the photos we had to choose from. They were all taken on the campus of Indiana University.

 Amazingly enough the dog cooperated for most of the pictures.

 The limestone around campus gave us a great backdrop for a lot of the shots.

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