Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Picnic Table For Tess

This picnic table turned out to be another joint project of mine and Keith's. The boys had a cute green picnic table, just like this one, that a neighbor made many years ago, and it had been sitting in our backyard for several years even though the boys had outgrown it.

My plan was to refinish Mac and Ethan's old table and give it to Tess for her second birthday. I knew it would be quite a bit of work because the paint was coming off, and Pongo had chewed through two of the bench boards when he was a puppy. 

Keith bought some replacement wood for the benches but when we went to pull of the chewed boards we found several other boards that were rotted. Unfortunately the table fell apart when we started pulling the boards off and the whole thing ended up in the garbage. Since I had already told Amy that we were refinishing the table for Tess, I felt obligated to start from scratch, so we did. 

Keith built the new and improved table out of treated wood so that it wouldn't rot in our Indiana weather. I stained, and polyurethaned the table, and then painted a few personal touches like Tessa's name and some flowers.

The table turned out to be a very sturdy piece of furniture which is perfect for an active two-year old like Tess!


  1. She loves it! I think it adds something to our living room.

    Thank you from the bottom o my heart.

    xo TEssa's mommy!

  2. It is totally adorable! What a fantastic gift too!

    P.S. I thought you made those wood planks and Keith painted the table? :)

  3. We totally love the picnic table!! Thank you both so much for such a work of love!

  4. I've never seen such a pretty picnic table!

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