Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dobos Torte

My good friend, Helene recently passed the bar exam, the first time that she took it, and 20 years after completing law school. This was quite an accomplishment and I am so proud of her! My other friend, Amy and I wanted to do something special to acknowledge her accomplishment so we decided to throw a party.

I wanted to make a special cake for the party and decided to give the Dobos Torte a go. The Dobos Torte is a favorite in Viennese pastry shops which was perfect since Helene is Austrian. However, the Dobos Torte (pronounced doh-bosh) actually has a Hungarian origin. It was created by a well known Hungarian confectioner, Jozsef C. Dobos in 1884.

There are several recipes for the Dobos Torte but I decided to use the recipe in Martha Stewart's Baking Handbook. In Martha's recipe, there are nine layers of sponge caked filled with chocolate Swiss meringue butter cream.  Rather than bake three cakes and slice each cake into 3 layers like Martha suggests, I decided to bake each of the nine layers separately. This took quite a bit of time but I found it much easier than trying to slice the cakes into nine even layers. I also chose not to make the caramel decorations in the recipe, and instead decided to make the traditional caramel coated sponge layer for the top decoration.

To make the top caramel layer, I set aside one of my thinnest sponge layers. I boiled about a cup of sugar with a couple tablespoons of water until it the sugar dissolved and turned a light amber color. I then poured the caramel over the top of the sponge layer and sliced the layer into 16 wedges before it cooled completely. I also dipped each wedge into bittersweet chocolate for a little added decoration and taste. I held each wedge on the top with a roasted hazelnut.

I was very pleased with how the cake turned out and look forward to making it again!


  1. The cake was totally amazing. One of your best ever. Thanks!! :)MKP

  2. Oh, Kim! It's so lovely. And I'm so thrilled for Helene!

  3. Just dropping by on a Next Blog tour and wanted to say that your cakes and biscuits look amazing. What lucky friends and family you have.

  4. Fantastic work full of creativity. Congratulations. Continue your path!

  5. Oh! My! Goodness!!!!!! Bravo to you both!

  6. That just looks so delicious!

  7. OH my! that was absolutely mouth watering.=D

  8. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your lovely post on your beautiful Dobos cake creation. My husband and I are planning a birthday party for my father-in-law and we just came upon the idea to do a Hungarian-themed birthday party.

    (Why? We like party themes and our mother's helper is Hungarian and she gave us a large and lovely pot of home-made Lecso two days ago that my husband and I absolutely adored. Immediately we decided, how about a ''Budapest B-Day themed party'' for Paul's birthday.)

    Of course we need a birthday cake and yours is by far the best looking Dobos I have come across. Thank you for posting the recipe and how you were able to make the beautiful top to your cake. Helene is very lucky!

    Best wishes,
