Monday, September 6, 2010

One Hot Summer!

The boys and I spent a week in Arizona visiting family this summer. Arizona is not the place to be in mid July, unless the ones you love and miss live there! Most of the week was a scorcher with temperatures reaching as high as 119 degrees! Yes, it's a "dry" heat but 119 degrees is hot no matter how dry the air is!!

Thankfully my sister has a pool and the kids were able to swim every day. Grandma also made sure that boys had plenty to do. She treated the boys to indoor go kart racing. This was their first time to drive go karts, something Ethan has been asking to do for the past couple of months.
Ethan lucked out because the minimum age was 10 and he barely reached the gas and brake pedals but it didn't stop him from zooming around the track!

Mac showed off his racing skills as this was his second time that week to go kart. Grandma took him a few days earlier while Ethan was in San Diego. 
 Inside the lobby was an Indy car and a NASCAR. The boys chose to have their picture taken next to the Indy car.

Grandma also treated all of us to Wet n' Wild water park tickets. My sister, Kristin and I took the kids and we decided that since it was so hot, the best time to go would be at night! It worked out perfect because we went after dinner when the sun was setting, and in addition to no waiting in lines under the hot sun, we also found great parking!
Floating down the lazy river!
Grandma and Grandpa V. also took the boys and their cousins, Jonah and Joshua, swimming at a Scottsdale resort while I got to spend some time with my friend, Eileen. 
There's no better way to cool off in the Arizona heat then spending the day in the pool!

Also as a yearly (Arizona visit) tradition my sisters and I have the kids' pictures taken together. And this year Grandma and Grandpa joined in the picture fun!
Thanks everyone for a fun visit!! We hope to see you again in the fall when the temps are little more bearable!!

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