Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ethan's Trip with the Grandparents

Keith parents have 17 grandchildren and each year they take at least one kid on a special trip. This summer it was Ethan's turn. They chose to spend the week with Ethan in San Diego. Ethan was born in Laguna Hills, California and he's been wanting to go there for sometime now, so this was the perfect opportunity for him to revisit the place he was born.

The grandparents spoiled Ethan during the week that he was with them. The stayed at a resort that had 17 tennis courts! Ethan brought his racket and also convinced Grandma to bring hers so they could enjoy playing some games together. Ethan also participated in a tennis clinic while he was there.

He also spent many hours in the pool and made a few friends along the way. He had a great time with his grandparents but said that the best part of his trip was the day they spent at San Diego Wild Animal Park.
He took several pictures and here are some of his favorites. Above is a meercat.
He got to feed the parrots.

And pet the gazelles too.

Some other highlights were getting to eat lots of junk food, having a king-sized bed all to himself, watching movies, and spending quality time with his grandparents. A trip he'll always remember! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!!