Saturday, March 15, 2008

A visit to Spring Mill State Park

Keith and I recently spent a couple of days at Spring Mill State Park in celebration of our anniversary. There are many things to do and see in the park and although many of the attractions weren't open, we still had a lovely time.

We stayed in the Inn which was very comfortable and cozy. (However, I cannot recommend eating at the lodge.) We spent some time hiking and exploring the woods. On our first day there we hiked down to Donaldson cave which was really cool. It was quite the trek because there was still a lot of snow and ice and we had to cross through the river to get to the cave's entrance. Thankfully I brought the right shoes. The water was flowing rapidly and there were icicles hanging above the entrance. We did not venture too far into the cave (even though we had a flashlight) as it was very slick and wet. Next time. We would love to revisit the park with the kids when the weather's warmer. We might even make it into a family bike ride.

Entrance to the cave. Notice the icicles hanging above.

Crossing the river, trying not to slip or get wet.

Keith at the cave's door.


  1. Wow! That looks like a really neat place to visit!

  2. WOW! I want to visit this cave! You'll have to take us there the next time we visit. :)

  3. The water was so low the last time I was here! This would be my 'cup of tea' vs your ride.

    What do you think...a LNO hike on some weekend? Could be fun.

    ~Lisa :)

  4. I love this post... but I had to laugh. I too have experienced the food at this lodge (because it is the only thing close... aside from the Mcdonalds and dairy queen down the street). Yeah, not good food. Love the photos of you climbing the iced waters... you guys had a fun trip. I highly recommend going back when it is nicer.. the pioneer park there is so much fun for kids... I hope it is still there because it is amazing.
