Sunday, March 16, 2008

Cupcake Stand

In preparation for our anniversary party at the end of the month, I made this cupcake stand. I've been wanting to make one for quite some time but haven't gotten around to it.

I used 14", 12", 10" and 8" cake boards. There are two boards for each tier that are held together with glue. In between the boards I used Styrofoam discs, the kind that you find in the floral department of your craft store. I covered the discs with a black satin fabric that is just pinned to the Styrofoam. Before assembling and gluing the boards and discs together, I glued paper to the tops of the boards. This back and white paper is leftover paper from our anniversary invitations. I also glued black satin ribbon around the edges of the boards. Once the boards and discs are covered with the paper and fabric you simply glue the boards to the discs and there you have it -- a cupcake stand.


  1. It's gorgeous!!!! And it will look so lovely filled with your out-of-this world delicious cupcakes!

  2. Kim your cupcake holder turned out beautiful. You finally had time to put one together and in perfect time for your anniversary party. It's beautiful, we knew you could do it!
    Mom and Dad

  3. Very Cool! Love the colors and design.

    ~lisa :)

  4. because of you.... this was made for me!!!!

    thank you for the inspiration!


  5. New reader :O)

    Would you mind if I ask how you cut the paper to fit? Did you glue it on and then flip upside down and cut around?

    trying4two at gmail dot com
