Monday, October 1, 2007

Schacht Farm

This past weekend, instead of going to work I opted to stay home and spend quality time with my family. We spent a good portion of our weekend riding our bikes. On Sunday we took a 15 mile ride (round-trip) out to Schacht Farm for their open-house.

I came across the proprietors of Schacht Farm on my Saturday visit to the farmer's market. There I met Mandy and Matt at their booth, where they were selling their freshly processed chickens. As I chatted with Mandy, she explained how they raised their chickens following a holistic model. Chickens are put out on pasture where they stay until processing day. They eat grass, bugs, locally grown grains and organic kelp. They remain on pasture until they are humanely processed. Mandy and Matt also raise sheep and turkeys too.

We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to the farm. We learned that Schacht Farm was a German Dairy farm in the early 1900's. Mandy and Matt turned the the milking barn into their home a few years back. Two of the farms best attributes are a pair of beautiful old terracotta silos. The kids enjoyed climbing in a hay bale-filled barn, visiting the chickens, turkeys and sheep, and running wild. However, E.G. was a little disappointed that he couldn't chase the chickens around and try to catch one.


  1. Hello! Welcome to the blogosphere! This is a great first post, and I love the name sweetcakes! (That could be a biz name!) I'm looking forward to seeing more!

  2. Your trip to the farm sounds like fun! I especially enjoyed seeing the pictures.

    I am excited that you decided to do a blog; they are so much fun, and keep everyone up-to-date with your family!

    Hugs and Kisses,
    Auntie Kelly

  3. This is a wonderful tribute to our day on the farm. Thanks for inviting us.

    Love the BLOG!!!
