Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bradford Woods

Here are some pictures that I took while I was at Bradford Woods. Not all of them turned out because I was using a disposable camera.

M. came home from Bradford Woods today. He wrote the following summary:

I recently returned from Bradford Woods after a 2 1/2 day adventure. Bloomington fifth-graders have been going to Bradford Woods for the past 50 years. Every fifth-grader in Monroe County has the opportunity to experience Bradford Woods. BW is owned by Indiana University outdoor education.

During our stay we spent most of our time outdoors. We studied wildlife, wetlands and nature in an outdoor classroom. We spent many hours hiking. We took a night hike without flashlights and a day long hike which lasted over five hours.

There were plenty of activites. Our counselors did skits and held a Dutch auction on our last night. One of my favorite acitivities was archery. I got two bulls-eyes and as a prize for each bulls-eye, I received a gold nugget. We also sang many, many camp songs such as:

This is a repeat after me song.
This is a repeat after me song.

Da Moose, Da Moose.
Da Moose, Da Moose.

Swimming in the wa-ter,
Swimming in the wa-ter,

Eating his sup-per.
Eating his sup-per.

Where did he go?

Where did he go?

Heeee fell asleep.
Heeee fell asleep.

(Say fell asleep really fast.)

(Repeat the above except say he's eating something else for example, ice cream.)

And now for the really really sad part.
And now for the really really sad part.

Dead Moose, Dead Moose.
Dead Moose, Dead Moose.

Floating in the wa-ter.
Floating in the wa-ter.

Not eating his sup-per.
Not eating his sup-per.

Where did he go?
Where did he go?

Heeee decomposed.
Heeee decomposed.

(Say decomposed really fast.)


  1. What a fun time and such a beautiful place!

    I enjoyed the repeat after me song...I can just imagine M singing it! :)

    Love you,
    Auntie Kelly

  2. Hey, M - What great photos! I wish I could have a weekend there. Thanks for sharing!


  3. Great pictures! I really enjoyed reading your blog entries. I look forward to more! Sounds like the trip was a memorable as well as educational one. Excellent!
