Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Fun With Cookies

It seems like I've been making a lot of cookies lately, and I wanted to share some of the fun ones that I've recently made. Above is an order I had from a flight attendant who was traveling to Italy. She wanted to bring the flight crew cookies shaped in airplanes and clouds. She also wanted the clouds to have international airport codes written on them.

These were very fun to make and I think the clouds turned out especially cute. I  improvised and used a medal flower cookie cutter for the clouds. I just stretched it out a little to make it look more like cloud rather than a flower.

 Both of theses teapot cookies were made for birthdays. The monogrammed teapots were for a 6 year old's "tea party" birthday.  And the orange teapots were a birthday treat that I sent to my friend, Steph for her birthday.

I made these music cookies for Mac's solo piano recital. (I'll write more about his recital in a future post) These cookies accompanied a piano cake, and were wrapped in cellophane bags for his guests to take home.


  1. These are all wonderful, and of course I'm partial to the orange ones, which are DELICIOUS! I froze a couple and have been nibbling. The others I devoured.

  2. so pretty sugar art!.... i love doin it too... only if I have time....

  3. My mom pointed me to your blog when she saw the tea pot cookies. How sweet they are!

  4. Your blog is very informative and provide lots of ideas and inspiration. Thanks for sharing your knowledge

  5. OH my! that was really wonderful. .love it all.

  6. what did you use to make the design on the cookies? I'm making some and everything I use gets all over the cellophane bags? Help!

  7. The icing on the cookies is Royal icing. You need to let the cookies dry overnight and then your icing won't stick to the cellophane.
