Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Tea with Steph!

When I found out that my friend Steph was coming for a short, 24 hour visit right before Christmas, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to host a Christmas tea for her and a few friends. Not only was I looking forward to spending time with Steph, I was also looking forward to christening a vintage china set that I generously received from friend, a few months ago.

The menu was simple. We started with a white bean - rosemary soup accompanied by our favorite tea sandwiches, egg salad, chicken salad, and cucumber.
At the suggestion of Amy, I served festive cranberry orange scones with orange marmalade and cranberry relish. Followed by a simple dessert of a few varieties of Christmas cookies and candies, that I pulled out of the freezer, and sweet and salty chocolate cupcakes.
The china set also included matching crystal water goblets and dessert cups. The dessert cups were a perfect way to display the cupcakes.

It was such a blessing to spend time with Steph, even though it was brief. I had a lovely afternoon spent with good friends, followed by a quiet evening with just Amy and Steph as we enjoyed a few appetizers and the pretty downtown Christmas lights!


  1. ITs funny but after a month of planning, baking, partying, shopping and having fun...I don't have anything to do. Rest I guess. Thanks for everything and Jenni if you read this, the china is lovely.

  2. It was definitely one of the highlights of my holidays. THANK YOU so much for making time in your busy schedule, and for filling this tea party with so much beauty, delicious food, and love!

    Happy 2011!

  3. Your teas are always so beautiful!

