Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Lazy Days of Summer in Wisconsin

We were fortunate to spend a week with my parents at our annual vacation spots in Wisconsin. Thankfully my dad was feeling well enough to travel via car all the way from Arizona to Wisconsin. We had a great time as usual and were happy to get to spend time with not only my parents but aunts, uncles and cousins too.
When we arrived in Door County grandma had a birthday cake waiting for Ethan. After taking a swim in the pool we all celebrated with cake and ice cream.
Our first day there, and our only rainy day, the boys and I walked to downtown Egg Harbor. We had to visit their favorite fudge shop, Gomy's Goodies, and I took a few pictures of the very Cape Codish looking town.


The small little town even has a natural foods store, Greens N' Grains.

On our walk I found several tea related goodies like these teacup and teapot planters.

And this cute little tea store, the Harbor Tea and Spice shop where we stopped for some black currant ice tea. This tea shop carries mostly Harney and Sons tea.
We had dinner with my parents, uncle and my cousin and his family. The kids got their own table and seemed to entertain each other.
 We also took some time to go mini golfing which I hadn't done in a very long time. It was fun and a great day to be out side.

My aunt bought kites for the kids and the green space behind the condos along with lake breeze made for great kite flying conditions!
Ethan was the first to get his up and flying high.

Notice how the kite matches the kid.

Right next to the condo was a cherry tree orchard. The cherries weren't ready for picking but the orchard provided for some pretty scenery

After our four days in Door County we headed up north to the cottage on White Lake. On the way the boys and I made our annual stop at Bay Beach. We had fun riding the scrambler, bumper cars, and the Tilt-A-Whirl.

The boys also rode the super slide.

Once at the cabin, Grandma and Grandpa treated us to a good old fashion fish fry at the local corner bar. We ate some yummy local perch and then back at the cottage the kids got the fire pit ready to make s'mores.
Ethan stoking the fire.

Roasting marshmallows
The grandparents relaxing, and trying to stay out of the smoke!

We spent most of the long weekend on lake. The kids enjoyed taking out the paddle boat. We also took several trips in the pontoon boat. Ethan even got a chance to drive.
We even played Sequence with my aunt and uncle on the pontoon.
And enjoyed beautiful sunsets on the lake! Life doesn't get much better than this!


  1. I was so excited to see this post! I'm from Wisconsin, I live in Oshkosh currently. Door County has always been a favorite vacation spot of mine. I have many fond memories of Egg Harbor and Fish Creek. Your pictures really took me back. Thanks for sharing!

  2. What a fun post, and especially interesting since I am headed to Wisconsin in two weeks to visit family! (Must see how close I will be to Door County.) LOVE your purple-hued sunset photo - gorgeous!

  3. I really hope we can make it to join you one of these summers! Looks like every had a great time again!

  4. Those are some heady summer days!
