Sunday, January 10, 2010

Mac's Magazine Publication

Check out the January/February edition of Stone Soup to read Mac's Lucky Penny story. Stone Soup is a literary magazine written and illustrated by kids. Mac was told by the editor that they receive about 300 submissions per week, and only consider about 5% of them. Once Mac's story was selected for possible publication, it took almost a year for it to come out in print!

Congratulations, Mac!


  1. Mac - that's a great story. Congratulations!

  2. I LOVE the story, and by golly I forgot to have Mac sign our copy when he was here! I'll try to remember in March. :)

  3. Congratulations, Mac!

  4. A BIG congrats to Mac! What an accomplishment! We have a few girls over here who will be jealous... they also love to write and have dreams of becoming a writer someday... especially Emma. Go Mac!
