Saturday, January 23, 2010


I recently tried out a recipe for Raspberry-Almond Financiers. I found the recipe in a past issue of Martha Stewart Living. I'm hosting a Valentine's tea for a couple of my friends and wanted to try out some new recipes. The financiers didn't turn out exactly how they were suppose to, but I thought the flavor was delicious.

A financier is described as a small French tea cake, usually made with ground almonds or almond flour. Traditionally they are baked in rectangular molds; however, I baked mine in mini muffin tins. The outside should be somewhat crispy which is why I didn't bake them in the muffin wrappers. The base of the cake is browned butter, almonds and honey. The raspberry heart is made from pureed raspberries, not jam.

My financiers puffed up a little while baking which made them appear to be more muffin like. I haven't perfected how keep them from doing this, but in my next batch I'm going to try a couple different things, like leaving out an egg white and not beating the batter as much. Even if I can't get the recipe exactly right, I'll be making these again.

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