Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Missing Little Ladybug

We spent fall break visiting family in Arizona. The kids had fun trick-or-treating with their cousins, and my mom, sister and I did our annual Christmas baking. Unfortunately while we were there my youngest niece, Madelyn got sick and had to miss out on all the festivities. And we were sad not to be able to spend more time with her!

Below is a picture of the kids on Halloween. As you can probably tell, my sister Photoshoped the missing little ladybug, Madelyn, into the photo. Pictured along with the ladybug is a mad scientist, police officer, owl, and Disney's Mulan.Instead of having fun with her cousins, Madelyn (along with her mom and dad) spent the afternoon in the doctor's office. Poor baby!

Below is a preview of some of the holiday treats my mom, sister and I baked all in one day......hundreds of cookies and some candy too. The baking was the fun part, hauling it all home on the airplane, not so fun.


  1. I'm glad to hear she's feeling better! Wow - that's quite the amazing display of cookies!

  2. Wow! Having spent the day as baker's assistant for my 13-year-old's spectacular tea on Friday (thanks again for the loan of the tartlet tins, let us know if we can return the favor), I totally and RECENTLY appreciate the effort these photos depict! MKP

  3. Holy moly... how ever did you take the treats home without them being destroyed... I am impressed. And I thought I was good by hauling cold cereal back and forth to Tokyo...ha!
