Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Life is Good on White Lake

After leaving Door County we enjoyed a long weekend with my parents at a friend's cottage on White Lake. There are motor restrictions on this lake which I think makes it even more beautiful and certainly more peaceful. There is something special about relaxing on or near the water. It is a true vacation. The lake is only a few steps from the back door of the cottage and the boys are easily entertained here.
They made several trips out in the paddle boat; this was the first year we allowed them to take it out by themselves.
They swam every day, and Ethan enjoyed fishing off the dock.
The cottage also comes equipped with a pontoon boat and we managed to take it out for a spin a couple of times each day. Ethan's highlight was getting to drive fast.


  1. I love the sun glistening on the water!

    What great photos! :)

  2. Oh, paddle boats are the best! Fun! Maybe some of those cool breezes will head to MO!
