Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Door County Continued

Today we took a drive along the bay side of Door County. Our first stop was Peninsula State Park. It was a beautiful drive with many picturesque views of the bay and Lake Michigan. We took a tour of Eagle Bluff Lighthouse, one of 10 lighthouses located in Door County. The boys were most impressed that the innkeepers raised 7 boys in the lighthouse which had no running water. The only water source came from the bay and in order to get water up to the lighthouse, the boys had to carry water up a staircase with more than 100 steps. Once inside the lighthouse, I was impressed with these beautiful wood stoves and also the pretty china that belonged to the innkeepers.

Next stop was Eagle Fire Tower. I couldn't convince the boys to climb the 75 feet to the top of the tower with me. The views from the top were breathtaking.

After leaving the fire tower we drove to the very tip of the peninsula, Gills Rock and then back down again. On the way back we stopped in Sister Bay which was settled by Norwegian immigrants and it's Scandinavian heritage is still very evident today. We stopped at one of the Swedish restaurants, Al Johnson's to take a picture of the roof of the restaurant which was covered in grass and there were goats lounging on it.

Our last stop before heading home was in Ephraim. We stopped at Wilson's for ice cream. I had caramel explosion and I have to say it was probably the best ice cream I've ever had. Sorry Ben and Jerry's and Brusters!


  1. What a view! LIghthouses are fascinating! There is a certain amount of artistic character to those wood stoves too!

    It sounds like you are having a great vacation and the weather looks so inviting! :)

  2. Oh my! I may have to stop reading your blog because each time I see more pictures from your trip I feel a little more bummed that we are not there! We miss you so much!

    BUT....we are soooo happy you're having such fun! We love you (and will continue reading the blog)!

  3. Looks like you're having a GREAT time! Keep posting photos =)

  4. I bet you loved that blue china!
