Saturday, February 7, 2009

Chocolate Framboise Petite Cakes

This little cake is my winning entry from the 2009 Chocolate Creations contest. I entered in the cupcake category -- my favorite -- and won first prize. One of the rules of the contest was the that cupcake had to be chocolate, and my favorite ingredient to combine with chocolate (if you hadn't already guessed) is raspberry. I knew it would probably be overdone, and it was, there were several chocolate raspberry entries but this little cutie was able to impress the culinary judges.

I used my favorite chocolate cake recipe for the cupcakes and then filled them with raspberry cheesecake and fresh raspberries. The cake is topped with chocolate ganache and a dollop raspberry buttercream. I finished them off with bittersweet chocolate curls and fresh raspberries.

Also pictured is my grandmother's vintage butter dish, that I think, doubles perfectly as a cupcake plate. I wonder what she would think of me using it for a cupcake surprise?


  1. Congratulations! After seeing your pictures, Tom says you worked your butt off for that prize! Yeah for you!!

  2. Congrats!

    What presentation! Love your grams dish too. It looks elegant with your creation and I am sure your grams would enjoy the pairing.


  3. Congratulations! Have you ever thought of opening a shop? I know it would be wildly successful.

  4. Oh my! Do you ever create anything that ISN'T both beautiful and delicious?? ;)

    I am sure Grandma R would have loved the idea of putting a cupcake on the butter plate. Too sweet!

  5. Steph told me about this, so I had to hop over and add my congratulatory two cents! I can see why the judges were impressed~ lovely presentation! (And I'm having trouble being satisfied with my dinner of peanut butter and rice cakes now...)
