Saturday, August 2, 2008

Kings of the Enchanted Forest

King Ethanmenar is the king of the dragons. He set off into the forest with his bow and arrow that he made from branches and jute, to fight off the evil trolls who keep stealing the forest's magic.

King Macdanabar is the king of The Forest Wizards -- good wizards, the benevolent kind. He is in charge forest restoration. He seeks to enhance and protect natural habitats for all creatures. He uses his magical walking stick made with daylilies and garden flowers to help King Ethanmenar fight off the evil trolls.


  1. Wow! I want to live in their world!

  2. Summertime is too short! Especially when good imaginations are alive.

    Wonderful pictures, Kim!

    Lisa :)

  3. Is this in your backyard? I love when my kids are playing creatively... it makes my heart smile. I love their "new" names.

  4. I was looking for pictures of Dragons Wizards and kings (all in the same picture) and found this.I read it and that's awesome.Imagination is great.I use to be like that when I was younger (I'm 19)
