Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Day at the Bay

While in Milwaukee we were fortunate enough to make the short two hour drive up to Green Bay to visit with my aunts and uncles. We all met at Bay Beach which was the perfect location for the kids. This was their 3rd visit to the small amusement park along the bay of Green Bay. It's a place that I grew up visiting as a little girl when we lived in Wisconsin, and it has been fun to pass down the experience to my boys. It's definitely one of the most affordable places to spend the day -- at only $.25 per ticket, how can you go wrong?

It was great visiting with my aunts and uncles, and we even met up with my cousin and her family. Here's a picture of my two uncles enjoying a huge ice cream cone. The only thing missing in this picture is my dad, who if he'd had been there, would been enjoying one of those yummy cones too.
The train and depot which is always a big hit with kids and adults alike.
The super slide was Mac's favorite (the one in the brown shirt), he went down it several times.

The scrambler, another favorite of the boys

Ethan's favorite -- getting to ride a horse


  1. BAY BEACH! I can't wait to bring Madelyn there someday! (I guess she has "technically" been there, but gosh, she was only about 6 weeks in the belly). :)

    Looks like everyone had a great time!
