Saturday, July 5, 2008

Don't Rain On My Parade!

Instead of being spectators at this years 4th of July parade we agreed to participate on behalf of our friend Geoff (who is running for county council) and his campaign.

The parade was scheduled for 10am which is a much more welcome time than in the previous years when it's been in the late afternoon. However, what none of us anticipated was the drenching rain that we would encounter on our walk.
When we arrived at 9am to start lining up, it was only sprinkling and most of us were grateful for the cooler temps. By 10am, and what seemed to be perfectly timed with the start of the parade, the rain poured. Surprisingly enough, there were quite a few spectators, who seemed to be staying a bit drier than those of us walking in the parade.
Despite the rain, we all had a great time. Even the kids enjoyed handing out soggy candy and bubble gum. It certainly made the event more memorable.

Geoff's float, which he shared with another candidate who is running for judge, won the prize for Best Use of Theme. It was a fabulous float and certainly one of the more spectacular entries. The parade which marked not only the nation's birthday also celebrated 100 years of our county courthouse.

After the parade we all came home, took hot showers and drank hot cocoa.


  1. Sorry I decided to stay home and stay dry this year. What an awesome float Geoff had!

    Lisa :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It was funny seeing Mac walk down the street in his bare feet. We will never forget this 4th of July.

    xo Esme

  4. Never having attended the hot afternoon parade, when the skies opened in the morning, I assumed that it had been postponed or cancelled. I was really disappointed to learn that the parade had not only gone on, but Geoff/Elizabeth's float won! Thanks for providing your usual great photos and full commentary for those of us who missed it! MKP

  5. I was so jealous when I saw these pictures. I love the rain! Fortunately, Arizona just got some much-needed drops this week!
