Friday, June 20, 2008

Ethan's Birthday

While we were in Arizona my parents and sister hosted a birthday party for Ethan. We invited all of his Arizona cousins, on both sides of the family and Ethan was very excited that most of them could attend.
The theme was a "pool" birthday party and my sister, Kristin hosted the event at her house. It was very hot the entire week that we were in AZ with the temps reaching 112 and above so being able swim helped to keep everyone a little cooler.

Grandma made Ethan a birthday cake according to his specifications - a round chocolate cake and chocolate icing with chocolate chips. And to Ethan's delight, she also added a few of her own embellishments.
Grandma even bought a pinata for the party which was a big hit with all the kids.


  1. Happy Belated Birthday Ethan!

    What a great way to celebrate too!

    Lisa :)

  2. Goodness! Such a beautiful cake and happy kids!
