Saturday, June 7, 2008

Day Three - City Museum

We spent day three at the City Museum in St. Louis. The boys and I had never been there but several of our Bloomington friends recommended that we go.

The City Museum is something that you have to experience. It's impossible to describe with just words and pictures alone. I spent a good amount of my time there in awe of this creative Bohemian playground. Click here to read more about the museum's attractions and click here to take a photo tour.

The artist and his crew constructed the museum using salvaged things from the city, such as bridges, cranes, building materials even airplanes. The building itself used to be an old shoe factory and you can slide down an old shoe shoot which is five stories high.

Outside is Monstro City which looks exactly how it sounds....monstrous! Feet upon feet of wrought iron and giant slinky-type structures to climb in and though, several stories above ground. Also outside are two huge ball pits which were a bit hit with the boys.

Deep within the museum are the Enchanted Caves. Here you can crawl and climb through holes and tunnels, some which are very dark and confined. Some so dark that you can't tell where they lead, and I suggest bringing a flashlight along for this adventure. Too scary for me but the boys loved it!

If you're visiting the St. Louis area, the City Museum is a must! You can easily spend an entire day there. We are looking forward to being able to visit again, we can't wait to go back!


  1. I'm so glad to read about your trip! I almost feel like I was there with you :) City Museum looks just amazing.

  2. Wow! Another neat place! We will definitely have to plan a trip in this direction before the kids get too old!

    Lisa :)

  3. Looks like a fun trip!

    We are looking forward to your visit to Phoenix at the end of this week!

  4. I am there... it is good to share this kind of information that may get missed. My kids would go NUTS over a place like this... I would happily just turn them loose. Way cool. Thanks for the tip! You are a FAB mother. When I grow up can I be like you?
