Saturday, March 1, 2008

Shoe and Dress Shopping

Keith and I will be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary on March 12th. At the end of the month we are having a big party to celebrate with all of our friends. The most important things have been done, invitations have been sent, the menu planned, and the ceremony planned with our minister. The next thing left for me to do was to decide what to wear.

For the past month or so I have been eying a very pretty dress online at C.C. After doing some research, I learned that the dress is not available in the stores. And since I really wanted to try it on before purchasing it, I decided to broaden my options and look for something different. So I made the short drive out to the C. C. outlet store, not far from our house, hoping that they would have another dress that I liked equally as well. I was delightfully surprised when I arrived and saw the very dress that I had been eying online hanging in the store, there was only one and it was in my size! (I might add that the dress was $119, and I don’t normally spend that much money on myself or my clothes, ever. But I felt that it was worth it because it was a special occasion.) As I continued to browse the store I was told by the salesclerk that every dress, no matter what it said on the price tag, was on sale for $19.99. I couldn’t believe it! Not only was the dress that I wanted there and in my size, it was only $19.99! The dress fairy had worked her magic. I left the store with three dresses and had to stop myself from buying more.

On Friday my friend Helene and I went to M.'s because they were having an awesome shoe sale, 50% off their clearance prices. As much as I don’t like shopping, I did need to find a pair of shoes to match the new dress so I thought it was worth the time and effort. We had a great time. Even though, Helene was a little obsessive, trying to make me buy 20 pairs of shoes just because they were such a good deal! She even went as far as to buy a $6 pair of black heels for me, because I was too stubborn to buy more than what I needed. It was rather comical to say the least. I did find a pair that matches my dress perfectly (see picture). I decided to go out on a limb (and hopefully I won’t break a limb wearing them) and buy shoes with heels, something I NEVER wear. My philosophy is that when it comes to shoes, comfort always comes first. But again, this is a special occasion, so what the heck!


  1. Sweetcakes -

    Advice from my youthful "fair queen" wanna-be days...since you don't normally wear heals make sure you help your feet out and wear those cute shoes a bit everyday before the party. Trust me on this, it will keep you from breaking a limb and your feet won't kill you come the 29th.

    Can't wait to see you in that dress either!


  2. Oops! Wish there was spell check on this silly comment stuff. Of course I guess I could use 'read-what-you-write' check!

    Certainly you know I meant HEELS!

  3. Wow - those are perfect shoes! And I think you have another career as a photographer!

    You are going to look super-fab!

  4. The shoes are beautiful, can't wait to see the dress! Looking forward to the big day! Love you!

  5. The shoes are adorable. I need to come shopping in IN. We don't have bargains like that here! :)

  6. Wow, I'm also searching for a beautiful party dress for my coming birthday party.
