Monday, March 31, 2008


  1. So Sweet and Wonderful!

    Congrats again. Just looking at this makes me smile a huge toothy grin!



  2. Ooooh la la, sexy dress! Kim, I love your dress... the turquoise blue with your brown toned wrap... fabulous. What a romantic event. I did not know people even do this anymore. You have inspired me... we have 5 more years to go. I love that the boys are dressed up too and that they played the violin and piano... what a treat! Those boys do have a musical gift... agreed. Your family photo is wonderful too.. makes me miss indiana seeing all of those bare branches in the background. Home Sweet Home. Tell Helene hello for me... I spied her in one of the photos. Miss you guys!

  3. Congrats guys! I almost forgot you were just 6 months behind Ken and I. The ceremony sounded really special with all the things close to your hearts. The boys look so grown up! It has been so long since we have seen them and you. I didn't realize you had a blog, I will have to check in more regularly. Continued blessings to all and love, Faith
