Friday, March 21, 2008

Birthday Cupckes With a Touch of Spring

My friend ordered these cupcakes for a birthday celebration that includes three people whose birthdays are within a few days of each other. One being her birthday which also happens to be the first day of spring equinox. So with that in mind, I decided to make her cupcakes very spring-like with butterflies and flowers.

The funny thing is that every time I look at these pretty little cupcakes they remind me of a head of hair, an updo to be exact, with flowers, baby's breath, and butterflies pinned in the sides.


  1. I am the recipient of these great works of art - and that's exactly what they are! Plus, the taste marvelous!!! Thank you!

  2. How can anyone eat your artwork?!




  3. Thank you sweetcakes! These were absolutely delicious and so pretty! We ate them all!

  4. You are truly an artist. How do these ideas come to you? Do you ever sleep? From what I remember you often are "sleep-deprived". what a beautiful creation... the combination of chocolate, spring, and friendship... perfect.
