Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sock Monkey

The boys have been invited to friend's birthday party next weekend. Their friend and his parents asked for sustainable gift-giving. The invitation read, "Please recycle a gift like a favorite toy or book, hand make something from your heart, or contribute to a cause."

The boys and I chose the first and the second options. Their job was to find something that they can re-gift, and my job was to hand make something. I decided to try my hand at making a sock monkey, complete with a knitted hat and scarf. (I used a doll pattern for the knitted hat) He was made, with lots of love, from a pair of Rockford Redheel socks. How did I do, Esme?


  1. Oh, that brings back memories... I used to have a sock monkey growing up... that would be fun to still have.. although I am all about getting rid of stuffed animals. You need to read an awesome childrens' book called "While You are Sleeping" by Alexis Deacon. It has amazing "vintage like" pictures and is about the prized stuffed animals that go to work to help the girl/boy while she/he sleeps... it has that same monkey in it and it is darling. The illustrations are priceless. Great job Kim!!

  2. Oh, my gosh! I'm WAY behind in your blog! The sock monkey is SO cute and I LOVE the idea of a sustainable gift party! What a cool way to teach kids!

  3. I love it. The sustainable birthday boy will love it!!! Thanks Kim,
    Amy aka Esme

  4. Michelle wants to know if she can come live with you...once again! Actually, she wants to know if you can make her one. Please tell her she needs to try this herself! I have all ready told her her mom knows where to get the socks.


