Monday, January 21, 2008

Kelly's Baby Shower

Kelly and Chris

Fortunately, last weekend the boys and I were able to travel to Arizona for my sister Kelly's baby shower. I wasn't sure if I would actually make the trip since I was recently diagnosed with pneumonia. However, I (and the boys) really wanted to be there so I did my best to make the trip as smooth as possible. Thanks to Sudafed and Afrin the flights were relatively pain-free.

My sister Kristin hosted the party at her home and she did a lovely job preparing all the decorations, games and party favors. My mom did most of the cooking and I helped as much as could. Mom and I spent Friday preparing the desserts and soups. She made heart cutout cookies with Madelyn's name on them and I made two kinds of cupcakes, vanilla with strawberry buttercream and carrot cupcakes.

There were about 40 guests in attendance and everyone had a lovely time. Kelly and baby Madelyn were showered with love.

Baby Shower Decorations

Kristin made a cake made out of diapers and baby supplies. Sitting next to the diaper cake is Kelly's baby picture.

Tables covered in pink and green.

Baby bib name tags

A clothesline with Madelyn's name spelled out on onesies.

Heart cookies decorated with Madelyn's name.

Ladybug and flower cupcakes

Grandma R.'s signature gift of homemade Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls

My sisters from left to right, Kelly and Kristin


  1. I can't get over how much Kelly looks like you. She is brunette but you two really look like sisters.


  2. I agree with and Kelly do look so similar. We need a picture of your parents posted!

    The decorations and baking look so yummy! I can totally see you and Kristin being related there!

    Lisa :)

  3. Everyone would agree that we look alike. The scarier part is that we all sound alike, too! :)

    Thank you again, Kim, for everything you did for my shower! It was absolutely beautiful! I have had many comments and emails about it being the best shower ever! :)

    Love you!

  4. Cool! I am so glad you showed the details of the shower! I love baby showers... especially girlie ones. I LOVE the diaper cake. I am totally going to copy that one. It is darling. You did a fabulous job. It is fun to spy on your sisters and see so much family resemblance. Proud of your sister for taking such a daring pregnancy photo... way to go!

  5. I was surfing the web for baby shower ideas and your blog came up. I absolutely loved the decorations and the diaper cake, is there any way you could email me the directions for the cake? I would be so please, I have never seen one so original. Also, I clicked on beans and beaches and those photos were darling, professional quality, may I ask what kind of camera you use? Thank you so much!
    p.s. My husband is from Bloomington! How neat!

  6. Hi. Sorry to bother you.. But I am in the process of getting my sister's baby shower together and loved the idea of the baby bibs for name tags but I can't see to find them anywhere. Where did you find yous? I need baby boys but I am having no luck!! Could you help me out with any location? Thankyou Thank you my email is

  7. Hi,
    I loved your pictures and ideas for the shower. I am doing a ladybug shower and was wondering where you got the ladybug and flower cupcake toppers? If possible could you e-mail me the details to:

    Thank you,

  8. I was surfing the web for shower ideas and your site popped up. I really like the colors you used and the name tags. Could you tell me where you found or how you made the tags.
    Thanks for your help.

  9. Hi :)
    I love how your baby shower turned out.
    Could you please let me know how you did the bib name tags and where you found the cupcake topers?


