Friday, December 21, 2007

A Jolly Good Apron!

Look what arrived from Arizona, just in time for Christmas baking!

This is the cutest Christmas apron ever! Hand-made by my mother who also made one for my sisters too. She even had my name embroidered on the top. Thanks Mom! I love it!


  1. Hi Kim,
    What a surprise to see my apron on your blog! I'm so happy you liked it, don't forget to wear your Santa hat with it! I know you will be doing lots of baking with it! Love you! Love Mom

  2. Hi Kim,
    I forgot to mention, hang unto that apron and hopefully next year you can fly home to bake cookies with Mom and your sisters! Love you! Love Mom!

  3. I agree with Mom! You need to join us for holiday baking next year and we can have our picture taken in our aprons! That would be too cute! :)


  4. You are right, that IS the cutest apron ever!!! I love that your name is even embroidered on it... what an awesome idea. I need to pass this one on. Love it.


  5. Very cute, indeed! You must take after your Mom, with all your talent!
