Thursday, November 15, 2007

Mountain Climbers

On a recent visit to Arizona we attended a Harvest Festival at the school where my sister teaches. At the festival there were several games that the kids participated in such as a jumping house, ring toss, beanbag toss, and miniature golf. However, the highlight of the evening, especially for E.G. (pictured above), was the rock climbing wall.

Mountain climber M.

I think M. was a little more apprehensive but decided that if his brother was going to attempt the climb, he would too. This was a first time experience for both of them.
E.G. reaches the summit

As you can see E.G. has made it to the top and M. was not far behind.


  1. Is the time just off on your blog, or were you really adding these pictures at 3:44 AM?

    Lisa :)
