Friday, November 9, 2007

Homemade Doughnuts

I haven't made doughnuts in awhile, so last night when I knew I would be up late working on my wedding cakes, I decided to go ahead and make a batch. Doughnuts are not difficult to make; however, they are a little time consuming. Doughnuts are made from a yeast dough and need two risings.

Last night when I finished my cakes I made the dough and decided to let it rise over night. Since my night was short, it worked out perfectly. Bright and early this morning, I rolled out and cut my dough and let it rise one more time. After they were done rising, I fried them in oil and rolled them in cinnamon-sugar. And by the time M. woke up at 7am, he had some nice warm doughnuts to eat for breakfast. Forty-five minutes later, E.G. said he was awoken by the yummy aroma coming from the kitchen, and he too enjoyed a sweet treat! Yum! Below is the recipe that I used.

9 ounces whole milk
2 tsp active dry yeast
5-6 cups white bread flour (not all-purpose)
6 TB ounces unsalted butter, room temperature
1/2 cup sugar
2 teaspoons salt
2 large eggs
2 cups peanut or vegetable oil
cinnamon-sugar for dusting

Warm milk over low heat until it is warm too touch. Add yeast and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Let sit a few minutes until foamy. Using the dough hook attachment, turn the mixer onto the lowest speed. Add the eggs and butter to milk. Mix for 2 minutes. Add 2 cups of flour and turn up to medium speed, adding the remaining flour one cup at a time until the dough becomes smooth and elastic. Gently remove the dough from the bowl onto a lightly floured surface. Form into a ball. Place into a lightly floured bowl and cover with a lint-free towel and set in draft-free spot to rise for 1 hour. Gently remove the dough from the bowl onto a lightly floured surface. Cut into two equal pieces. Gently roll out to about 1/2 inch thick, turning and using flour only as needed. Cut out doughnuts and their holes using a circular cutter and a large pastry tip, respectively. Set on a lightly oiled baking pan with sufficient space between each. Cover with a towel and set in draft-free spot to double in size or for 45 minutes. Heat the peanut oil in a high-sided, 8″ diameter pan to 350 degrees. Using a slotted spoon gently add about 5 doughnuts to the oil. Allow them to fry on one side until golden, about 45 seconds. Flip and repeat on the other side. Remove doughnuts onto a sheet pan covered in paper towels to drain. Continue in the same fashion with remaining doughnuts. Roll drained doughnuts in the sugar. Eat.

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